Why did the emo break up with her boyfriend?
He didn't wanna hang out.
Why did the emo break up with her boyfriend?
He didn't wanna hang out.
I might not be able to make my bed, but at least I can get out of it.
Why does New York have the jets as their football team if those are what took out the twin towers
Does money grow on trees? No.
What is money made of? Paper.
What is paper made out of? Trees!
Russians think they are tuffer than Americans. Here are some reasons for the Russians out here reading this
1 USA was NEVER invaded 2 USA never commits as many war crimes as Russia does! 3 USA made the first nuclear weapon so yeah shove that up your ass Russians 4 Our soldiers don’t rape kids 5 we have more Allie’s than you 6 we are smaller but stronger 7 Random civilians in the USA have stronger guns than Russian military does!
Your mum is so fat when she was sitting on a scale the number couldnt even fit in the scale and came shooting out
Yo mama so fat and old, she's the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs!
bro yo mama so fat Thanos had to clap her out of existence
What's the difference between Harry Potter and Anne Frank?
Harry made it out of the chamber.
If you give someone a plane ticket, they will fly for a day, but if you push them out of a plane, they'll fly for the rest of their life.
I woke up one night and it was really dark in my room. Then my TV started to float out the window. I said, "Drop it, nig-"