
Orange Jokes

I went to the store and i saw no oranges and i went to ask the cashier:cashier:which one

What is the difference between an orange and an orphan??

The orphan always gets picked..... oh wait i meant an orange always gets picked

During the holidays in the fruit bowl, the orange walked up to the banana and said "Berry Christmas!"

"Florida was ranked the worst state in the 50 states by Thriller." Florida: Well, WE didn't want to give our oranges anyway!

i like it when girls poop it rely hot. i like the big but orange holes when the brown farter juice comes out of the orange i lik alot 🤑 🤑 🤑 🤑 🤑

I get big weniro when i think about big farting girl

Bitch i can make orange rhyme with banana. BORNANA. Eating pork rinds sword fightin in pajamas. At the crib playin fortnite with your grandma.

Riddles not jokes

What has 4 legs but cannot walk?

What has bark but no bite?

There's a one-story house in which everything is orange. Orange walls, orange doors, orange furniture. What color are the stairs?

What has holes but can carry water?

What is in front of you, but cannot be seen?

What is something you have inside you that is pink, but cannot be seen?

What can you catch but not throw?

and last one

What can rule, but not command?

Tell meh the answers in the comments

like 90% of this was from this link:

1 more thing: DoN"t google it or search it up, use ur brain to answer these.

Why is Donald Trump like a creamsicle? He white on the inside. He orange on the outside. And then there's that stick!

"You did great!"

"Come here and get your prize, a shiny quarter!"

"Nah, that's okay."

"Here's the quarter back."

"You don't want the quarter?"

"No! Quarterback!"


(Crashes) (screams)

"Yo, sorry bout that."

"You think he's gonna be mad?"

"Who? Baldi?"

"Nah, he doesn't have a HAIR in the world!"

(Annoying Orange laughs) (Baldi groans)