My wife went to Niagara Falls and fell. She broke every bone in her body.
One year later, she recovered. She slipped on an orange peel and died.
Roses are red, oranges are orange.
Get a life, quit watching porn.
If you say the word "gullible" slowly, it will sound like you're saying "orange."
What did the orange say to the other orange?
I orange you glad!
What is red, pink, yellow, green, orange?
A black woman dressed for church.
Hillary Clinton lost last time to the first African American president, Barack Obama. Why will she lose this one to Donald Trump?
Because orange is the new black.
What do you call an autistic kid with orange hair?
A boomerang.
What is Trump's favorite snack?
(Get it? He looks like a Cheeto!)
Who used to say, "Who loves orange soda?" Kel loves orange soda. Yes, I do, do, do, doooo! Oh, yes! Oh, yes! Oh, yes, I dooooo! Kel Mitchell from Kenan and Kel.