
Movie Jokes

What do Stephen Hawking and the Wicked Witch have in common?

If you throw water over them, they both die...

if stephen hawking was in a horror movie .... would he make his robot try and shout “aaaaaaaaah help me , i can’t move i’m too scared” ???

Heard Stephen Hawking is in a new movie and that the theme tune is absolutely banging. Think the opening line goes something like, “They see me rolling, they hating.”


Jason: Did you hear about the storm-trooper who attempted suicide?

Dave: No.

Jason: Well, he hit his first target.

One time Chuck Norris peed in the gas tank of a semi truck as a practical joke. That truck is now known as Optimus Prime.


I once heard my dad shout, "I'm going to be like Frozen and let it go!" Then I heard a gunshot.


To the people who have seen Meet The Fockers at the movies and they hated it, Fock You Motherfockers!