I think fat people took the Hunger Games a little too seriously.
What do you call a movie at Bill Cosby’s house?
Netflix and pill.
Little Timmy is hanging out with Rapunzel, and he mentions Hugo and a few other characters from Varian And The Seven Kingdoms, and she responds with, “Who the frick are you talking about? Since I don’t know them, I got a surprise for you!” She wraps him up in Christmas wrapping paper labeled "For Eugene."
What did Warner Brothers get for making that horrible Joker sequel?
They got what they fucking deserved!!!!!!!!
Paul Walker started in 3 movies: Fast and Furious, Gone in 60 Seconds, To Die Hard.
Actually, Iron Man is female.
What’s Forrest Gump’s password? 1forrest1.
They're making a new Alien movie.
There are so many aliens you can't keep track.
I got a part in a movie called "Cocaine." I only have one line.
You're so bald that Disney uses your head for movie scripts.
Did you know Paul Walker was a method actor? He took his role very seriously as a human torch.
What's the most played game in Africa? The Hunger Games.
if will smith could be in any movie he would be in find my hair line
I heard Steven Spielberg is coming out with a new movie about fat people called E.C.
(Extra Cholesterol)
What's a rapper's favorite type of movie?
Why didn't the movie star argue with the customer service clerk?
He didn't have a good counter act!
Why does an orphan hate the ending of Finding Nemo?
Nemo goes back to his father.
What is the difference between me and Paul Walker?
I’ve watched Fast and Furious Seven.
Did you know Disney is making a movie for suicidal people?
They're calling it Finding Emo.
I wore a purple outfit to school, and some Indian kid called me Thanos, so I called him Vision and tried pulling the red dot off his head.