Fun fact: The body positivity movement is the only movement without any actual movement.
One time their was a depressed man standing in the middle of a train track a girl said excuse me can you move please I’m trying than the man stopped her sentence and said how is your t shirt so clean than she said back easy hung it up
What does BLM stand for?? Biden loves millennials
Qwen is a liar ( sent with a dance )
A seizure is just an excuse for break dancing
What has 50 legs but cant walk??
25 disabled children
When a clock goes forward, it's tic-tac, but when Rommel goes backwards, its tactic!
What does BLM stand for?
Bisexual Lives Matter.
What's a rabbit's favorite song?
Hip hop.
What runs but never stop
What is the difference between a human and a tree? A human can walk and a tree 🌳 can not walk
Two muffins are sitting in a bar.
The first muffin says to the bartender, "I'll have the usual".
The second one does not say anything to the bartender because muffins lack the vocal ability of humans and even with the proper anatomy capable of speech access, they would most certainly be entirely unable to comprehend the human language. In fact, the first muffin would indefinitely not be able to provide speech to the bartender. The muffins also lack the muscular structure to be capable of support themselves to being suspended also preventing their access to movement. Even with the human like structure, muffins lack brains which are an essential part to being able to send nerve contact within the legs to be able to move. Also with them lacking a brain structure entirely prevents them from speech. The anatomy simply prohibits the food items mentioned to be able to carry out any of the tasks required to get them to said bar and be able to speak. Thus making the situation untruthful and completely idiotic.
What do you call a dog with no legs?
It don't matter what you call it. It ain't coming.
If a person in a wheelchair runs you over, can you call it a "hit and can't run"?
Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
because skeletons aren't alive and can't move so it's impossible for him to cross the road
Why don't wheelchairs have pedals, so when their arms get tired they can keep going with their feet?
Sometimes, stairs get me down.
Why could the kid go rock wall climbing?
Because, every time he moved his leg upward his prospetic leg fell off
wanna hear a joke? woman's rights