my grandpa said I'm too reliant on technology... so I screamed that he was a hypocrite and I unplugged his life support...
what do you call a dick playing badminton? a shuttlecock.
how to stop bulling
my gun is like my house used to be full now its empty
So my friends birthday is in a couple of day's, and I was wondering what to get him. He hangs out at my house a lot, so I suggested adoption papers'
I saw a sign that said “Falling Rocks.” I tried it and it doesn’t.
Why are there so many jokes about Chuck Norris, but not about Bruce Lee?
Bruce Lee was no joking matter.
What does the pedophile use for bait. TRIX
What is 14 inches long and starts with D
A Dookie From GREEN DAY
Tik Tok
What can a mouse do? He cliks.
know knock whos there a a who bless you
knock-knock hoos there iceberg lettus iceberg lettus hoo iceberg!!!!! lettus in !!!!!!!!!!!
We asked our teacher many times for an atlas and he said "atlast you can have one"
Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house. Of course it can a house can't jump.
It squrted in my eye god dammit
What's a queen's favorite drink? Royal-tea!