Me: Wanna hear a joke? Person: Sure Me: Never mind, I was gonna say my life. But my life isn't a joke! Jokes have meaning Person: Dear god..
I went to visit my childhood home I asked the owners if I could come in for some nostalgic memories, they said no and slammed the door on me, my parents are so mean.
What does an orphan's life and a pseudoword have in common?
They both have no meaning
if a person kills their counselor does that mean that they don't need therapy no more
Thanks for explaining the word many to me.It means a lot.
If a kid dosent take their nap dosent that mean they are resisting arrest?
What’s the difference between weed and pussy If you can smell weed from across the room, it means the weeds good
I told a furry, dont call your self a joke! I said to the furry, Joke has meanings.
octo means 8 and an octopus has 8 legs.... so where did the pus come from.
Mom: hey son, what does idk and idc mean?
Son: i don’t know and I don’t care.
Mom: excuse me?
Son: oh, and by the way mum, what’s for dinner?
I don’t know and I don’t care.
there was a kid being mean to a kid at a orphanage the kid said stop but the mean one said what are you going to do call your mommy
This one is for Gwen, I'm sorry people are so mean to you. All the big cats gathered for a game of poker. Why did the tiger lose? Because one of his opponents kept on lion. Another had a puma-nent poker face. But the real problem was the cheetah.
Therapist just mean the-rapist
Meaning behind the German flag: 🇩🇪 Black: culture Red: Beer Yellow: Sausage Blue: Winning world wars
So In Prep class, The students were asked to write a letter to their grandparents for grandparents day. Little Johnny's friend Little Sally write things like “thankyou” and “You are so nice!” And Little Johnny goes, “What are you doing you got it wrong!” So sally says, “What do you mean, it’s a letter.” Little Johnny says, “Why did you do it like that? Just write a letter from the alphabet like the Teacher said!” Then he says, “I wrote a J to remind them of me!”
I got arrested because I cremated a guy. They said the guy had been alive when I burned him. I mean, it's an early cremation—what's the difference?
When the C.I.A. raided Osama Bin Laden’s house, they found steam on his computer this means he was a gamer. He raged a little too hard and went for New York.
What do you say after making fun of a disabled person. Sorry didn't mean to step on your toes