
Means Jokes

I almost got caught watching porn.My mom got the bill for the account but luckily dad had my back.I mean we do use the same account

A guy took his blonde girlfriend to the Super Bowl game.

They had great seats right behind their teams bench.

After the game the guy asked his girlfriend how she liked the experience.

“Oh, I really liked it!” she replied, “Especially the tight pants and all the big muscles, but I couldn’t understand why they were killing each other over 25 cents.”

Dumbfounded, her boyfriend asked, “What do you mean?”

She said, “Well, they flipped a coin, one team got it and then for the rest of the game, all they kept screaming was, ‘Get the quarter back! Get the quarter back!’ I’m like, hellooooo! It’s only 25 cents!”

If you want to SH but not in the sell farm way, come ooon.. do you even know what does that means?..

What is Green and Red and goes round and round? A frog in a blender (this next one is pretty bad, and I don't mean it, so don't get offended) What's the difference between a Mexican and a park bench? One can support an average family


Roses are red, life has no meaning, voices in my head, are constantly screaming.

Q. What is the difference between a normal kid and a emo kid A. The Phrase Jump Rope mean to different things

China has a population of a billion people. One billion. That means even if you’re a one in a million kind of guy, there are still a thousand others exactly like you.