
Laughter Jokes

Whats starts with M and end with arriage?

Miscarriage Now we all know that joke never gets old, and you know what?

Neither does the child


What's the difference between your jokes and your penis? Nobody laughs at your jokes


What’s the similarity between a bag of chips and a gun?

When you pull one out in class, everybody wants to be your friend.


A blind comedian was asked to do stand up for a hospital. No one laughed at his jokes, so he continued to sing, "If you're happy and you know it..."

The room was full of arm amputees.


Q:Do you know why people dont like abortion jokes? A: Because they leave people with a feeling of emptyness inside.


I don't always like to tell dwarf jokes. But when I do, I like to keep them short.

A boy walks in on his mother riding his father. "What are you doing?" the boy asks his mother. "I'm jumping on daddy to make him thin," said the mother. "Don't bother," said the boy, "when you go shopping, the lady next door comes and blows him up again."


Anyone else on here looking at depressing jokes to make themselves feel better? Not that it's working, but it's nice to know that I'm not alone. Well, enough with the sob story, I gotta go get my razors. See ya in the long run.