Suck on my big fat ding dong, you idiot!
The way you are so ugly your parents even regret the day you were born.
The way you are so black when your mom is bathing you in the dark, she has to put flour in the water to see you.
Zis iz za best joke in za west: exsepz if zu put ketup in shawarma itz yo mama!
Yo mama is so ugly that not even the Socs wanted to jump her.
The only thing running in THIS family’s your big ass mouth! Oh, I’d better shut up, or Big Bertha’s gonna confuse my head for a burger!
Your mum is so ugly, she tried to join an ugly competition. They said, "Sorry, no professionals."
Anybody can use this :)
Slow and steady wins the race, but it won't fix your ugly face. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
The median salary of a clown is $36,763. And yet, here you are, doing it for free.
Jack is a loser and a gaybo and a trans and a fanny face.
1, 2, 3, A, B, C, D, and there's a D in it and there's also a 3. That's how long your D is!
You're so clapped that you make Susan Boyle attractive.
Yo momma so fat that it was hard to find the G spot and slip her one at night.
Just looking for a cunt...
Oh hello, found one.
My friend told me I was so dark that I had no bright ideas.
Your mama smells so bad that everytime she goes outside, she gets ticketed for pollution. She's so ugly that everytime she looks out a window, she gets arrested for mooning.
Orphans actually have an advantage. Nobody can call them motherless or test-tube babies in an argument.
Yo mama so ugly, when she sweats, the sweat runs down the back of her head to avoid her face.
Your hairline is so back it's not even a hairline cuz you're bald. LOL
Your forehead is so leaned back you can see the dinosaurs.
Yo mama so ugly that she gives Freddy Krueger nightmares.