Yo mom's so old, she was happily accepted into the museum.
Roses are red, Violets are blue, I have five fingers and the middle one's for you.
I asked my friend what the best gay joke is, and she said "You."
Yo mama so fat, she has to use pillowcases for socks.
Your hairline goes so far back your mom can't even reach it.
Your hairline is so bent, the McDonald's logo hairline made fun of it.
You look good now, but you’d look better hanging from my ceiling. ;)
Yo mama is so fat that she brought a spoon to the Super Bowl and a plate and ketchup to the red zone.
My cousin said being gay was such a pain in the ass and I asked him why and I said, "Cuz you get buttfucked?" and he said, "No, I get made fun of." and I said, "Why? Cuz you get buttfucked?" and he said, "No, turd." Then I said, "Wow, at least I'm not the one with real pains in my ass, bro."
Your forehead is so big, I bet your dreams are in IMAX.
Your mama so ugly, when Santa Claus came to her house and saw her, he said, "HO HO HOLY SHIT THAT'S ONE UGLY BITCH!"
Hey, you have something on your chin, no the 3rd one down.
My sister keeps cursing... so I made fun of her... "fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk", fowl language is for chickens!
What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef.
What do you call a cow with 2 legs? Your mom.
Yo mama so ugly a rapist wouldn't even touch her with a barge pole.
Boi, you're the reason the Great Wall of China is a thing. You're so ugly the Chinese needed to block you out!
Your nan's bald.
My short friend called me a scrub, even though he was the one below me.
When you cream pie a tardy hottie, it’s called a loaded potato. 🥴🦴💨🥔