Roses are red, violets are blue, Shrek thought he was ugly until he saw you.
you so flat you make pancakes look thiccc
My friend who is in a wheelchair told me a joke and i burst out laughing. I told him he should be a stand up comedian.
You should should go back into the abortion bucket maybe you'll find half a brain in there.
I hope you have to pull hard on a candy wrapper only for the bag to pop and have the candy fall on the floor
I hope youi have to squeeze the hell out of toothpaste only for the little bit to fall down the sink drain
Yo mama so fat when step on a scale it say to be continued
I hope you forget your password to something only to send something to an email that you also forgot the password to.
I hope you never find out whether that pressure in your ass is a fart or a shit
I hope every time you watch youtube, you get 30 second unskippable ads
I hope your cookie is too big to fit in your glass of milk
What do you call a cow with two legs?
Answer: Your mom.
This girl told me people call her ugly because she is disabled. I told her to stand up for herself.
Yo mama so ugly, Itachi couldn't look at her to put her in a genjutsu.
Yo mama's so stupid, she got hit by a parked car.
I would roast you but burning trash is bad for the environment.
I would roast you but you don’t have any meat!
Irritable Bowel Syndrome saved me from depression... It’s hard to feel empty when you’re so full of shiiii fuck ur mom
Your mom is so fat that when she fell on the sidewalk, nobody laughed, but the sidewalk cracked up.
Mom! Mom! My classmates called me an orphan! -