Comment on this if you are some what like me. Depressed, Single, Gay, and acts like your not burning inside.
Normal person:"I'm perfect" Goth person:"nobody is"
hi my name is jeff
.... ,I'm gay
A. No B. Maybe C. Leave blank D Yes
my name is gunter
I sexually identify asi kilometers per second. Cuz I really wanna km/s
There is a Mexican, white guy, a Jew and a black man on top of the Empire State Building. First the Mexican and the Jew throws there selves off of the building saying ‘ This is for my people’ Than the black is next up to jump and says ‘This is for my people’ And throws the White man off of the building.
My name says it all.
Guy is at athletic meet. asks guy if he is a pole vaulter. He replies, No I am German and how did you know my name was Walter.
If you have a twin sister do you have the same name? Only if you’re mom and dad give you the same name
Did you hear that Michael Jackson changed his name from Michael Smith? Well at least he's honest.
If you are what you eat Why is Jeffrey Dahmer white
What’s the difference between a crossdresser and a trans person? About 3 years
Are you bisexual...
Or are you hellosexual?
my name is dezz
If you’re American when you go in the bathroom... ... and American when you come out, what are you in the bathroom?
what do you call a genderless child?
It's not a mister, its not a misses, I'm more for a MIStery
I saw an ad that said, "By the time this ad is over, two identities would have been stolen" So, I did what I had to do, and skipped the ad! You're welcome to the two people's identities I saved!
ik ive changed my name from tj to selfish king but know its gunna be selfishking#781
I just did a test to see who my soulmate is and it said “best friend “ so I guess I am gay. I think so WTF