How Many

How Many Jokes

How many rapists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Punchline: One, but they prefer soda bottles instead.

How many feminists does it take to fix a lightbulb? 9: one to screw the lightbulb, one to film it, one to post about it on a women empowerment social media page, one to complain that the man didn’t screw the lightbulb, one to say that women deserve to screw more lightbulbs, one to try to get #womenlightbulbscrewers trending on twitter, one to bring a man and show him the screwing, one to say that women are better than men at screwing lightbulbs, and one to make a speech about the lightbulb

If you have 20 apples and you ate 2 how many you have left? 0 because you have 20 and and take away 2 you have 0 left.

Person 1: How smart are you? Person 2: Really smart Person 1: Ok. If you have 3 ghosts and take away 2 how many are left? Person 2: 1 ghost is left Person 1: Wrong! 0 ghosts are left because ghosts don't exist!!!