
Home Jokes

why is the orphans keep going back to the orphan home, because they got no home to go to yeah pls like this and laugh because i got no one to read this

*Say I'm a man after every sentence* You walk into a bar. (I'm a man) You find a girl . ( I'm a man) You take her home.(I'm a man) She whispers in your ear.(I'm a man)

"Go big or go home", that's what some people say.

"Go loud and proud", that's what other people say.

"Go out with a big, loud bang!", that's what I say.


What’s the difference between a child who is home alone and an orphan?

They’re both alone but only one is home.

I saw this kid sitting on the sidewalk and asked him where are is parents

I love working at a orphanage

I kept asking these kids where there parents are and they started crying, I walked away laughing thinking i love my job at an orphanage

How many homeless guys does it take to change a lightbulb? “You’re telling me there’s change in a lightbulb?”

my husband left a note on the fridge that said, “this isn’t working.” im not sure what hes talking about. i opened the fridge door and it’s working fine? anyone know what he means?