
Hit Jokes

Two men ran into a bar. You would have thought after the first one hit it, the second one would have seen it.

What do you call a Titan who can't swim????? Titanic Imagine the Titanic with a lisp. It would be unthinkable. my version is imagine the Titanic with a lisp it would be unsinkable. What did the front half of the Titanic say to the other half when it hit the ice berg ? I'm breaking up with you.

I met a baseball player , so I told him to make a home run , and he just looked at me with sadness I don't know why

By the way he was an orphan

My sister told me only onions make you cry, so I always hit her back when she hit me, but I hit her with a shoe only to catch her cry.

What's the difference between Paul Walker and a fly? It's the sound they make when they hit the windshield.