A man comes home and finds his wife in bed with another guy. "What's going on here!?" he exclaims.
The wife replies, "See, I told you he was stupid."
There was a man in a wheelchair, and he got knocked out in front of a bus. He had a wheelie good life!
why cant the blind man see, because he cant see
A man with no arms is tasked with a lot of jobs. Then he says to his boss, "I can't handle all of this!"
what do you call link when he is hurt. a link to the cast
why did the man walk into a bar. because he just broke up and he needs alcohol you dummy
Chuck Norris is...
What? You don't need to know what he is. He's just, Chuck.
There were these three men, their names were Shit, Shut up, and Manners. One day they were riding in their car and Shit fell out so Manners went out to pick shit up and shut up went to the police station. when he got there the police officer said "What's your name son?" and Shut up said "Shut up." the officer replies with "Ummm...excuse me?!" and shut up said "Shut up!" and the officer said "Boy, where are your manners?" and Shut up said "Round the corner picking up Shit!"
There were once three brothers, Shit, Shut up, and Manners. One day, Shit got hit by a car. Shut up went to find help at the local police station while Manners tried to help Shit.
When Shut up got to the police station he says, "My brother has just been hit by a car."
The policeman replied with, "OK then, first I need to know your name."
"Shut up."
"No, I need to know your name."
"Shut up."
"Excuse me, but where are your manners?"
"Round the corner picking up shit."
When a man sleeps with a lot of women, he's called a stud. When a woman sleeps with a lot of men, she's called your mum.
Max likes his girls like he likes his wine. 7 years old and locked in his basement.
I once asked a sketchy man at a bar for some relationship advice. He simply replied, "They're all dead hookers once they're in the trunk."
Where would you take Stephen hawking if he dies, the funeral directors or PC world