your forehead is so big that your mom stayed in the delivery room just to give birth to your head
What were my final words to Putin before I put a bullet through his head ?!
Answer: Putin Putout !!!
"i have a three head" "i have a four head" bald people have a seven head.
Take a step back... just like your hairline did
this black dude goes up to an indian guy and say "what up brotha" the indian guy gets offended and says we are not the same, the black guy then pulls out a gun, and the indian guy says ok brother ok brother we are the same we are the same, do the voice in your head
Ur forehead’s so big that I was tryna figure out if that was you or the moon.
Your hairline looks like it was drawn onto your head
I was riding a bike with no helmet I went and went with no helmet until.............I broke my head with no helmet on
What do eggs use in war? Eggk47s get my yolk this is really cracking me up! They’d probably get shellshocked wasn’t it all eggcelent Ok Ok I’m headed for the egg it. Why did the new egg fell so good? It just got laid.
Did you know Paul walker had dandruff? Neither did I til I seen his head and shoulders on the dashboard.
I get so many thing stuck in my head, though, unfortunately none of them were a bullet.
Are you for head and your hairline best friends because they look like they go way back
boy hairline is always in the back of his head and it shape like the check mark
your hair line go so back your forehead got a six pack
Your hairline caused the solar flare
Little Johnny’s father walks into the bathroom and catches him masturbating. He says, “Son, every time you do that you kill an innocent baby.” The next day his father walks into the bathroom and catches him again. Johnny says, “Bow your head, Dad. Can’t you see we’re having a funeral?”
What do old people and meth heads have in common? They usually trip over their balls.
my mom: If your friend jumped off a bridge would you me: No Attack on titan music starts playing in my head
how do you name a chinese kid?
throw a frying pan on their head, ching chong!
Why did the Headless Horseman get a job? He was trying to get ahead in life.