Cheesus hates me yeah I know cause he's a real douchelord fictional character
Miss Kadie- I heard that the Westburow Baptist church is having a party for kicking out 99999 gay people. Pastor- welcome to the gay matters church. Miss Kadie- stop that you know that god hates gay people Me- stop that vegan teacher. Pastor- you deserve to die - I attack
why do orphans hate cocomelon because his mom and dad are in every episode
why humans hate aliens because fortnite took them out of the game and i want aliens back in fortnte
what game dose an emo hate the most????
LIFE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate salmonella
It is such a pain the butt
Comments and join dumbledore's army in the community to give someone you hate permanent bad luck
Bully: Your mom hates you Orphan: I dont have parents ;)
What do blind kids and orphans have in common? I fucking hate their whiny asses and beat them up.
dont you just hate when you have to eat cereal with water cause your dad wont bring the fucking milk? cuase same
Like this post to give someone you hate bad luck.
why did the emo kid hate the tree it left him hanging
I hated getting bullied in school
because I could never stand up for my self
Why do Orphans hate Batman the movie?
Because at least he gets noticed by people and also he stole their life story!
Anyone know abt the war? It's not Russia we should hate it's putin that we should ððĪŠð
why do dwarfs hate Fast food Restaurants? Cause most of them have Medium and large
Why do orphans hate Ted Bundy. Cause he's the most wanted
Why do orphans hate hide n seek?
'Cause they can't find their parents.
Why do orphans hate Geometry cuz it reminds them that their parents are poley-gone
Why do orphans hate baseball so much. Because they can't run home