Roses are red, the Jews hate goys,
Union of Creepy Janitors (UCJ) opposes school choice.
Roses are red, the Jews hate goys,
Union of Creepy Janitors (UCJ) opposes school choice.
Why do ableist people hate autistics?
They're scared they'll never be special enough.
Haters are hating. I'm still alluring, but I couldn't give a fuck cus this site is dying and boring.
What's the difference between someone with dystonia and someone with mysphonia? One makes the annoying noises while the other hates the annoying noises
Why do gay men hate Periods because They per Collins
Ugh... I hate Anons so much, they're anonnying as fuck.
Why do people hate abortion jokes?
It leaves you with an empty feeling inside.
Why do Republican men hate transgender people?
Because they lost a dick-measuring contest to a ladyboy in Thailand!
I hate autistic people
What song does Kobe Bryant hate Rocky Mountain high
Why do women hate having sex with midgets?
Because of their shortcomings.
I hate autistic kids and ADHD people because they are stupid special retarded brainless freaks and they stupid
Why does an orphan hate the ending of Finding Nemo?
Nemo goes back to his father.
Why do gay men hate periods?
They prefer Collins.