Why do orphans hate geometry? Cuz it reminds them that their parents are poley-gone.
Why do orphans hate baseball so much. Because they can't run home
Why do orphans hate school?
No field trips. Parent signature_____________.
why do orphans hate Fridays? family movie night
orphans must hate 2020 cause you need a home to home school
Why does Little Johnny hate hot dogs?
It reminds him of last night.
whats the best way to tell your friend you hate them? Option 1: Kill them Option 2: walk away Option 3: kill eachother. Me: why can't i just kms and leave them the pain?
I was having issues in my personal and professional life. I hated everyone. I was on the brink of a mental breakdown and depression. I decided to see a therapist about it. The therapist suggested that I should write letters to the people I hate and then burn them. I must admit I feel much better...
But now I don't know what to do with the letters.
What games do orphans hate
Why does Helen Keller hate the national anthem? Oh, say, can you see?
I hate it when disabled people get bullied...
... because they can't stand up for themselves.
What company do orphans hate the most?
S. C. Johnson, a family company.
why does the emo hate christmas the ordamonts get hanged and they dont
why do orphans hate the internet Because on the internet people have family’s
I jump off a cliff and said i hate u dumb blond and eagle...Then i said to my wife were done Blondie and said to my friend ur a dumbhead eagle!.
Why do orphans hate the letter FMD because F stands for family and stands for mom and D stands for dad
What do you call someone who hates rape jokes? An ugly feminist that couldn't get a cock in her mouth.
I hate the poor, who's with me the rich all the way!
A kid tell me he was gonna f**k my mom on Fortnite! So I told him I was gonna double pump his mom until she was wet like moisty meyers.
Like if you're not a gay.
Dislike if you're furry.
Repost if you HATE blacks.
Comment for VBUCKS.
Sub to me on YouTube, it's my friend and he has aids, send him joeide53rygq2ej/le nb rfcshsu 3nurtv N3Q5UERIUGWTC7w2VWGYEHIWAWASERYAANFYINSIDEFREHJOBUGFUYWUSGRFYDIDYFRG911