Why can't Trump go to the White House anymore? Because it's forbidden!
What do you get when you cross a Cuban and corrupt dictator, Fidel Castro?
Information has been leaked from government sources. When the current lock-up ends, the holder of the nation's purse, Fishi Rucksack, will launch a new initiative.
This will be to help the struggling "personal services" industry and will be labelled, "Sleep out to Help out."
Biden is a joke. Trump is AMAZINGLY AWESOME!
Why are Democrats represented by the donkey? Because some Democrats can be such an ass!
What is the strongest weapon in India?
The red button (this is a fact).
Biden: Shut up, Trump, disrespectful!
President: You are the one with the inappropriate hair touching, bro. ๐๐๐๐๐๐
Biden: -laughs hard because sloppy Joe can't do anything.
Why can't Chinese do anything? The government won't let them.
God- make a grumpy old man president.
Angel- why?
G- cause I said so-name him Trump.
A- okay.
G- make him not pay taxes.
A- okay...
Fast forward to 2020
G- you know that grumpy old man?
A- yea...
G- make him create a deadly virus named after a beer.
A- Krona.
G- exactly.
A- why do you hate humans so much?
G- because I can.
Why did Mexicans go to Area 51?
To show them what a real illegal alien looks like.
If Trump pooped in a toilet, the toilet would die.
Am tired of my country!!!! How can two policemen use one gun?
Biden 2020.
Alfred the Great was arguably the greatest king in Englandโs history.
The worst? Richard the Goat Fucker.
What's Barack Obama's favorite vegetable? It's Barack-olli.
What is the kingโs favorite type of precipitation?
Hail, of course!
What is another kingโs favorite type of precipitation?
Me: punching a kid.
My FBI agent: You're adopted.
What did Trump rename the Presidential plane?
Answer: Hair Force One!
Who's the cutest president in the world?
Kim Jong Un, chh๐๐๐
I don't say funny stuff because I'm afraid they will take the German passport from me.