
Government Jokes

Information has been leaked from government sources. When the current lock-up ends, the holder of the nation's purse, Fishi Rucksack, will launch a new initiative.

This will be to help the struggling "personal services" industry and will be labelled, "Sleep out to Help out."

Biden: Shut up, Trump, disrespectful!

President: You are the one with the inappropriate hair touching, bro. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

Biden: -laughs hard because sloppy Joe can't do anything.

God- make a grumpy old man president.

Angel- why?

G- cause I said so-name him Trump.

A- okay.

G- make him not pay taxes.

A- okay...

Fast forward to 2020

G- you know that grumpy old man?

A- yea...

G- make him create a deadly virus named after a beer.

A- Krona.

G- exactly.

A- why do you hate humans so much?

G- because I can.

Why did Mexicans go to Area 51?

To show them what a real illegal alien looks like.

Alfred the Great was arguably the greatest king in Englandโ€™s history.

The worst? Richard the Goat Fucker.

What is the kingโ€™s favorite type of precipitation?

Hail, of course!

What is another kingโ€™s favorite type of precipitation?
