
Funny Jokes

people:(arguing about stopping orphan jokes since they aren't funny). me:(m e h. i d o n t c a r e)

Me scrolling through jokes that sum up my life, starts crying.

My friend: What’s wrong?

Me: Nothing, it's just so funny. Lol😂🤣😂

The popular girl told me, "I bet your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory!"

Two weeks later, she shows up pregnant.


I guess her rubber broke too.

Sans: Pap, your spaghetti is bonearific.

PaprUs: Sans, no. Aw, your funny bone is not working; come on, that one was a rib tickler.

Tip for Kindness for the day.

Tip one. Always speak up for yourself.

Yes, letting someone else speak up for you is nice but also speak up for yourself, be brave if a mean bully comes along. Speak up for yourself and others if they need it. Best, Gwen

technoblade: i'm the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans. quackity: what is the first thing to ever happen to the orphans??? technoblade: quackity..... their orphans. (disclaimer: not funny xD)