johnny was watching TV when you hear them say bitch and bastards so he ask hes dad "what is a bitch and bastard." dad say "a bitch is a female and a bastard is a mail." then johnny goes back to the TV and hears them say ass and shit so he ask hes dad what shit and ass means dad says "a shit is shaving creme like what i'm putting on my face and ass is a coat why don't you bug your mom." so johnny goes back to the TV and then they say fuck so johnny ask his mom what fuck means mom says "fuck means carving like doing to the turkey then a few minutes later Johnny hears a knock on the door so he answers it he then says "welcome bitch and bastard may i tack your ass" the people then ask wear hes parents are johnny says "my dad is putting shit on hes face and my mom i fucking the turkey.
My Grandmother died last month. The thing that bugs me to this day, I couldn't understand her last words... through the pillow.
Little Johnny's dad was driving him to school when they came up on a couple in a convertible. It was apparent that they were arguing. You could then see the woman pull out a knife. Seconds later, his dad saw a penis land in the windshield. Worried little Johnny will see it, he quickly turned on the wipers and brushed it off.
"What was that, Dad?" asked lil Johnny. "Oh, just a bug," said his father. With a confused look on lil Johnny's face, he then says, "That bug sure had a big dick, didn't he?"
Why do bugs hate the internet?
Because they always get caught.
Get it? Inter-net?
How many astronauts can you fit into a VW Bug? 11, 4 in the seats, seven in the ashtray.
Why can't bugs drive... because they don't have a LICE-ens...
What's worse then finding a worm in your apple? Half of if.🐛
What kind of bug lives in a graveyard?
A zomBEE.
Q.You know what really bugs me? A.Insects puns.
What’s the difference between Hitler and a bug
If Bugs Bunny had Down Syndrome:
" Meeeehh, what's up Downs? "
You know why elmur fludd always came out hunting rabbits in the woods because bugs bunny would not stop flirting with his girlfriend.
What did the human say to the fly when it was buzzing around the human's head?
What is bugs bunny favorite desert chocolate carrots balls.
How does a skeleton kill a bug? They SOCKET!
Guy goes into the gas station says I need a box of rubbers with pesticide. The cashier said pesticide don't you mean spermicide? The guy says no! My old lady has had a bug up her ass all week and I am going to kill it.
Why Do you like cream instead of bugs
Because bugs can kill you
yo if u don't stop bugging Watersharky, we'll all go down!
What is the one spray that can kill midgets? bug spray
What kind of bug can tell time? A clock-roach.