
Firearm Jokes

I tell a man get me a glock 19 he comes back with a glove i was about to shout at him but then i saw a pistol in his pocket so i left and thanked him

If 4 birds are sitting on a fence and one gets shot, how many are still on the fence?

None, the rest fly away.

Orphan: Shooting gun at shooting range, "I'm out of bullets, got a magazine?" Guy: that's probably because your S I N G L E

Why are the best used guns from France ? Because they have never been fired and they have only been dropped once.

What can't a Desert Eagle and Barrett do for stealth missions?

They can't be way too loud.

I made a AR that shoots boo boo bullets. It does poison time 10x damage. You have a very go chance of getting STD. Very good AR. Going for 100,000. Email:

Two boys were playing cards on a picnic table outside the school. Both of the boys had revolvers hidden in their waistband.

Now, one of the boys was a notorious cheater, who liked to hide his cards in his waistband. Recess was just about to end, when all the kids heard a loud bang erupt from the picnic table. In tears, the card player admitted that he had shot the other card player, stating "I played a King, and he started reaching for his waistband!"

What does a sad cowboy and a supernatural fan have in common?

Both want to put a Winchester in their mouth.