I tell a man get me a glock 19 he comes back with a glove i was about to shout at him but then i saw a pistol in his pocket so i left and thanked him
If 4 birds are sitting on a fence and one gets shot, how many are still on the fence?
None, the rest fly away.
What do you call a Russian rifle that went 1 rank down?
An AK-46.
Orphan: Shooting gun at shooting range, "I'm out of bullets, got a magazine?" Guy: that's probably because your S I N G L E
Why are the best used guns from France ? Because they have never been fired and they have only been dropped once.
What happened when the gun dealer found his pistol in his shoe?
He found that he had a piece in his sole!
what do you cal an autistic kid with a gun? special forces
What can't a Desert Eagle and Barrett do for stealth missions?
They can't be way too loud.
What did the Deagle say to the G17?
"Son, you're rushing, but in some way, I like it."
AR-15: Who are you?
Musket: I'm you, but from another timeline.
Whatβs comes after 9 Millimeter?
I made a AR that shoots boo boo bullets. It does poison time 10x damage. You have a very go chance of getting STD. Very good AR. Going for 100,000. Email: EatandDrinkbouls@gmail.com
Two boys were playing cards on a picnic table outside the school. Both of the boys had revolvers hidden in their waistband.
Now, one of the boys was a notorious cheater, who liked to hide his cards in his waistband. Recess was just about to end, when all the kids heard a loud bang erupt from the picnic table. In tears, the card player admitted that he had shot the other card player, stating "I played a King, and he started reaching for his waistband!"
When the school shooter drops his gun and the autistic kid picks it up thinking itβs his long lost nerf gun.
"Zre, um, be careful when using a gun, okay? And meh not fat, boy."
What do you call a kid in a wheelchair with a gun? RG-XD
What does a sad cowboy and a supernatural fan have in common?
Both want to put a Winchester in their mouth.
How do you win an argument against an emo kid?
Give him a gun, he'll just shoot himself.
All people on here, what's your least favorite hunting rifle? Mine's Sako-85.