it's fucked up how people make these jokes and when orphans read them it makes them feel worse about them selfs I should know I'm an orphan
How come Mr Squirrel watches porn sometimes? Sometimes he feels like a nut, sometimes he don't
Q:Why are orphans so scared to get maried? A: They don't know what it feels like to have a family.
hey how is everone today :) cause am feeling great
Looking at me is like being on your phone, in a car, on a long trip. You're fine for the first 10 minutes, then after that you feel sick.
Sometimes I feel ugly but then I think of my sister
yo i feel like shit when your around
Tell me a joke about my hairline no because he don't got one feel like Donald Trump it don't move
When butterflies fall in love, do they feel humans in their stomach?
What is red orange and yellow but doesn’t feel anything when it falls,autumn leaves 🍁
someone i know is an ant. i feel like a mountain to them.
Whats black and white and red all over? The darkness of your heart, the dishonour of your lies, and the embarrassment you feel when busted for both.
I saw a girl with blond hair. she was sexy and beautiful. I thought she was the most hottest girl I ever saw. So I ran up to her feeling hot
I feel weird to ask this but... can anyone guess my real name?
You’re like a fine wine. The more of you I drink in, the better I feel.
what is the difference between a walking dead and you he doesn,t feel pain