
Fat Jokes

How do fuck a really fat chick? Roll her in flour and look for the wet spot

A guy walks into a bar hes like whats your number lad and the women be like 298 777 fatso.com and he walked home depressed

I was at work and a few fat women came up to me and asked for some help. Later that week I ran into them on the dance floor, one of them asked me if I wanted to dance I told her no, the other asked me if I knew what was cracking, I calmly said the floor.

I saw a fat woman at the bus stop today So I asked her, "when's it due?" She replied, "I'm not fucking pregnant you rude prick!" I said, "I meant the bus you fat cunt"

Yo mamma so fat that when she landed on the moon, instead of saying "One small step for man kind", she said, "One small step for world domination"

Your mum is so fat when she reached for the remote and when she found it it was crushed

You are so fat that the last time you stepped on the weighing scale the doctor said I want your weight and not phone number

Ur momma is so fat, when she chose a yellow shirt when she was on a run, the kids ran after her bc they thought they missed the bus.