Yo mama is so fat that when she fell over, she created the Grand Canyon.
Yo mama so fat that the US (Mexico) and North Korea (South Korea) got into a war fighting over who gets to use her as their border wall.
Your mom is so fat that the photographer had to go to the moon just to click the photo of her belly button.
Is their [there] a doctor anywhere?
My mom has a few problems & those problems is [are] that my mom has big tits, fat ass & sweet pussy that needs attention. Help anyone.
yo mama so fat when she laid on a water bed she laid on the whole pasific ocan
You’re so fat, that when you were born, the nurse mistook you for the father.
yo mama so fat the last time she 90210 was on a scale
Your so fat that I run around you for exercise
What did the teacher say to the fat Turkish kid that always ate in his class.
"You could do with Ramadan lasting all year couldn't you"
Your mama so fat when she put a leg in the car da wheels deflated
Your mom is so fat that she mains heavy from the game Team Fortress 2!!1!!
I bet you go grocery shopping at the Twinkie Factory
What kind of jokes doesn’t work out? Fat people jokes.
yo mama fat when she play a game everybody lags
Your mama so fat when she sits on the toilet it sings abc 123 get your fat ass off of me !!!!
Your mama is so fat when i think her in my head she just broke my neck
Yo mama so fat she fat she makes the sun look like a dwarf star
What does a pregnant lady and pigs have in common? There both fat
yo mama so fat her belly button got 15 minutes before her
Yo mama so fat I bet that her fart can clear a room in seconds