
Fastest Jokes

Two police officers crash their car into a tree. After a moment of silence, one of them says, "Wow, that's got to be the fastest we've ever gotten to an accident site."


Who are the fastest readers in the world?

9/11 victims, they went through 80 stories in 7 seconds. In case you didn't see that one coming, don't feel bad, they didn't either

Who and the fastest readers in the world??

The people in the twin towers cause they went through over 100 stories in lest then 10 minutes

Who are the fastest readers of all time?

People who jumped out of the twin towers. Why? Because they went through 13 stories within 5 seconds.


What is the fastest way to spread a rumor? Telephone? NO. Television? No. How then? Tell A Woman

i asked a man i was the fastest gun in the west. he said my 17 wasn't good enough. after that, a lot of lead went into his head.