Fastest Readers

Who are the fastest readers in the world?

9/11 Victims, they went through 89 stories in 7 seconds.




This is a dark joke playing on the tragic events of 9/11. The punchline is a morbid play on words, where "stories" refers to both the number of floors in a building and a reading text. It twists the horror of the World Trade Center collapse into a macabre joke about 'speed reading'.

Comments (47)


i did not see that coming and so did they

Art! True Art!

oh my god that's so funny

thats fuck up

Omg wtf is wrong with u

my teacher gave me detention because i wouldn't stop laughing


I dont get it Help

I dont get it Help

This joke is everywere and i love it. There is another joke about world trade center jenga and they are going to make a new world trade center but this time they are going to make it in the shape of a U so the planes can fly right through it this time.

how can you see this funny it hilarious

My nan died in the twin towers...

my dad died there not funny dumb ass mofo bitch

If you don’t like messed up jokes why are you here

Mfw people get pissed at 9/11 jokes on a site with 9/11 jokes

Son of a bitch that is so true

Omg, if your getting pissed about 9/11 jokes on a site section that is literally meant for these, then get the fuck off.

P.S that joke is hilarious

Nah bro tripping =0

I love making fun out of Americans

I guess they got a 100 on their reading test

THat must be a world record