
Difference Jokes

How do men like their women? Striped

How does priest like their children? Clean

Why are most orphans strippers? they want to call someone mommy or daddy

What is the difference between stripper and candy? none. but they like it when you take the wrapper off

Whats the difference between homework and a hooker? They both start with an "H" but we all know what one we would like to do.

What does a phone and a grandma have in common? They both die. What's the difference between them? If you shove something up your grandma's ass, she won't come back to life.


What’s the difference between a child who is home alone and an orphan?

They’re both alone but only one is home.

What's the difference between a gay and a freezer? -- The freezer doesn't fart when you pull the meat out.


What’s the difference between a doctor and a pedophile?

The doctor doesn’t enjoy giving physicals