Don’t suicide! Please don’t, it’s horrible and you will hurt so many people that love you. That’s why no one will be hurt.
Why was the entire population emo in the 1920s? Because it was the Great Depression.
What is the difference between me and a fire
Its hot
Somebody: Do you even eat and get sleep-? Me: I have depression what do you think-?!
What do you call a group of depresd people. Sueaside squad
A depressed man has been thinking of killing himself and his friend says "Find jesus instead he'll help you!" and than the man says "It's pretty hard to 'get help' from something that doesn't exist".
Irritable Bowel Syndrome saved me from depression... It’s hard to feel empty when you’re so full of shiiii fuck ur mom
Gwen-Kind-Positive-Lends a Helping Hand- Stops Bullies- Does Most Helpful Work- Addison Banks- Positive Voicing-Stops Hurtful Words- ALYA-Powerful in Thought- Helps- But Sadly Is Gone- Prince-Always Backed Up Gwen- But Sadly Is Gone Too- watersharky-Helps When Needed-Backs Up Anyone- Curses When Needed- Helps People Through Depression-
These Are The Legends, There Are More Out There You Could Be One Too Just Lend a Helping Hand.
whats a deppresed kids least fav game
cut the rope
I got jealous when my phone died
why did the student at blacktown girls cross the road? to go to heaven HAHAHA
why did the boy drop his ice cream.....he got hit my a bus.
Don't hate life, love it because when u want to live and try again in life, it's already too late. :(
What's a benefit of being an orphan? The chips always come in a family size :)
What do orphans call a family photo? A Selfie