Baby Shark be like, "It's the END," bruh, they dead.
Bruh, don't be punny.
You: Bro, this school picture is soooo ugly!! (Points to yours).
Me: Bruh, you just typed up mirror!
Genie: What are your 3 wishes?
Me: Make every word 4 letters long.
Geni: Wish Gran.
Me: Make every word start with "br".
Genie: Brsh Bran.
Me: Bree: brke brer brrd brnd brth "uh".
Bruh: Bruh bruh.
Bruh: Bruh bruh bruh.
Bruh: Bruh bruh.
Bruh, the cops just arrested a black dude...
Well nvm, they shot him dead.
Most of the people here: thats not funny lots of people died.
Bruh why are you in here if you cant take joke.
Wny you gay bruh I know why I'm gay i got the wolf pack protectors spirit in me YA BOIIIII
What's it called when a orphan calls 911 Operater h Hello is your family okay Orphan I'm an orphan Operater *bruh*
Roblox jokes be like: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I should create a game *Creates game* bruh my game got to thousand hundred 700,000 likes
Bruh who likes dhar mann now a days that shit is ass AF And it's just legit shit like only nerds that are fatherless would watch that shit
Bruh,your forehead is so big even Megamind has some compition
bruh frog cult is besttttt
Have you seen the justin meme?
Yeah, the ones that cracked at fortnite?
Just-in time for deez nuts
But actually, it's a parody
Wait actually?
Parodiesnuts (pair of deez nuts).
Mom: son where is my condoms son: what are condoms DAD: she puts it on me and the sandwich son: wait why did my girlfriend come over and take one dad: um I don't know but go to bed son: but it's 2:46pm in the afternoon bruh
Nah Bruh my hairline straighter than a gay persons
Bruh travis scott went from astroworld festival to after world festival
Y u gey, bruh?
bruh bruh the bruh run bruh stop bruh hi bruh
my brother said bruh why you so ugly plus why do you stink. me: is that supposed to be a roast i got one for you. why do you look like you came out the wrong side of your mother in stead of her stomach you came out of her butt that's why you were born with brown spots on your head thats her poop you stupid fuckface. my friends: ouch thats got ta hurt.