Whenever you're mad, just punch an orphan. What are they gonna do? Tell their parents?
My parents raised me as an only child, which really pissed off my sister.
Did you fart, cause you blew me away?
Are you a printer because you turn my soft copy into a hard copy.
Dark..Humor :)
Roses are red, you have a nice lip, it would look better if it was on my tit.
I asked my girlfriend what she wanted to eat, she said nothing. So I brought her to Africa.
A man asked his girlfriend what she wanted to eat one night, and she said "Chinese food," so he took her to China. The next night, he asked her again. She said, "Indian," so he took her to India. The next night, he asked her again. She said, "Nothin'," so he took her to Africa.
NASA just found evidence of water on Mars, Mars 1, Africa 0
Most controversial types of matter: 1. Dark matter 2. Anti matter 3. Black lives matter
Why did the emo go to the store?
To buy bleach.
What do you call an emo dating another emo?
The suicide duo.
What did the emo kid say to the cashier? ... "Scan my wrists."
I don't want to die alone... That is why I am working my way up to become a suicide bomber!
I gave a blind kid a gun and said it was a hair dryer
what do you call 6 gay men in WWII?
Rainbow Six Siege.
Why can't dinosaurs clap? Cuz their dead.
the twin towers ordered a pepperoni pizza but they were pissed as all they got was plane
I have a stepladder. My real ladder left for milk and never came back.
A joke becomes a dad joke when it leaves for milk and never comes back.