Why do emos cut themselves?
To play noughts and crosses
Why do emos cut themselves?
To play noughts and crosses
Me: Hey dad, I'm in debt, my dick got cut off, I have depression, and I am suicidal!
Dad: Hi in debt, my dick got cut off, I have depression, and I am suicidal! I'm dad!
Three blonde girls are on an island, and they are much too far away from land to swim. They find a genie on the island who offers them each one wish. The first girl says, "I wish I was smart enough to get off this island!" So the genie makes her a redheaded girl, she cuts down a tree, makes it into a boat, and proceeds to row off the island.
The next girl says, "I wish I was even smarter than her so I don't have to do so much manual labor!" So she turns into a brunette and makes a sailboat and lets the wind take her off the island.
The final girl says, "I wish I was smarter than both of them!" So she turns into a man and takes the bridge.
When I'm cutting my grass, want to know what it reminds me of? My arms and legs.
I’ve been told I’ve got a perfect cock. She sure was hard on me when I cut it off, though.
I'm starting to wish my grass was emo.
So it would cut itself.
What was the Roman Empire cut in half by?
A pair of Caesars.
How did Steven Hawkings die? He had a power cut x
What was the chip doing at the hairdressers? It was getting a crinkle cut
How do you keep a mute woman you've raped from telling on you?
By cutting off her fingers.