
Common Jokes

What does a perverted frog say? Rub it

Why don't witches wear underwear? To get a better grip on their broom

What do girls and rocks have in common? The flat ones get skipped

What is red and goes 200 mph? A baby in a blender

People who don't have common sense are just stupid people with ugly hearts. STOP HATING PEOPLE YOU NEVER KNOW! Also write "then exit the f word site" and I think we know that won't happen !!!

I L.O.V.E GWEN!!!!!!

. why cant depressed kids high five a tree? It will leave them hanging.. . why cant orphans play baseball, Because they cant find home! . a serial killer was at my house all killed all my family but me why, i was in the living room.. . what do sloths and depressed have in common, they both hang off trees.. . what is a group of depressed kids called, the suicide squad

What do visiting goatman's bridge and a bungee jumping accident have in common? You hear a snap, and suddenly you're falling from a bridge.

A common question I get as a doctor is, do vaccines cause autism? Well!, I was vaccinated, so.....


Q: What do kidnappers and rapists have in common? H: It's similar to shoes. A: White Vans.