
Common Jokes

What does Kobe and the Twin towers have in common?

The pilots just couldn't stick the landing

Wow that was explosive!

Man I'm on fire 🔥 today

Q: What do a blond girl and a tornado have in common A: There's a lot of blowing and sucking then u lose your house

what does having sex with a woman and cooking an egg in a skillet have in common? A. both end with a loud annoying sound and a gooey mess to clean the shit up.

What does a penis and a Rubik's cube have in common?

The more you play with it, the harder it gets

A high school student and his best friend were rushing to class after his best friend caused them both to be late, his best friend asked, "Would you like to hear a joke?" "Sure" he replied. "What do you and your sister have in common?' "I don't know." "Because of me you're both late for your next period."