Chuck Norris can drown a fish
Chuck Norris once pissed in the rank of a semi as a joke.
It is now known as Optimus Prime
Me: *makes chuck norris meme* Internet: *all the other memes are dead now* Me: well shit.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?
Chuck Norris has come in contact with Covid. Covid is now in a 14-day quarantine.
Chuck Norris makes the living room the dieing room
I was sweat'n like Michael Jackson in a Chuck E. Cheese
chuck norris dosen't ride horses Horses ride him
Once upon a time... Chuck Norris steped on a Lego. R.I.P the Lego piece.
Why was the Twin Towers knocked over? Chuck Norris was leaning on one of them.
Chuck Norris is the only man that ever had sex with my wife and survived. Oh how did I survive. Fortunately being her husband I was the 1 person she wasn't fucking.
Chuck norris sneezed and sent 2 planes fly...ON SEPTEMBER 11 2001
Chuck Norris orders his coffee black, without water.
Chuck norris is...
what? You don't need to know what he is. he's just, chuck
Chuck Norris trained dude perfect how to do it
Chuck Norris doesn't fly on airplanes. Airplanes fly on Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris once ate ONE Lays potato chip.
Chuck Norris once stabbed the Terminator with Bruce Lee
Chuck Norris sent the chicken back across the road
Chuck: Do you have holes in your underpants? Teacher: No, of course not Chuck: Then how do you get your feet through?