Chuck Norris can drift with a horse.
Lightning doesn’t strike twice in the same place, but chuck Norris does.
Chuck Norris uses elevators only in case of fire.
They say Chuck Norris's tears cure cancer, too bad he doesn't cry
Chuck Norris threw one Pokéball -- and caught 'em all.
When Chuck Norris breaks a mirror, the mirror gets seven years of bad luck.
When the Boogey-man goes to sleep, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
Jesus could walk on water and Chuck Norris can swim through land
God said, "Let there be light." Chuck Norris said, "You have to say please first."
Chuck Norris can make a fire with two ice cubes
Stephen hawking once stood up to bow down to chuck norris
Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird.
When Chuck Norris does push-ups, he's pushing the Earth down.
Chuck Norris can make an omelet from Kinder surprise
Chuck Norris once ran all the way around the equator and kicked himself in the back
John Cena once insulted Chuck Norris. That's why we can't see him anymore.
Chuck Norris: "I block bullets with me beard". Abraham Lincoln: "I catch bullets with my skull"
Chuck does not cut butter with a knife, he cuts a knife with butter.
Bees don't sting Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris stings bees.