What do babies and explosives have in common?
They both make a noise when you throw them.
What do babies and explosives have in common?
They both make a noise when you throw them.
What does Michael Jackson and Chef from South Park have in common They both say "Hello children"
The neighbor’s children challenged me to a water fight. I’m just checking my Facebook quickly before the kettle boils.
Why does a orphanage have any milk because dad never came back with the milk
Whats the difference between YouTube adverts and orphans?
Most get skipped no matter how interesting they are.
I was asked to design a website for an orphanage, so I decided to design it without the home page.
What is the day parents stooped fearing for their little boys? June 25, dead pedo day.
Teacher:"What is the opposite of the following sentence: 'Children in the dark make mistakes'?" Student:"Mistakes in the dark make children"
A police officer came up to me and said just why why would you bring the epileptic children to a laser tag fight
theres one shop orphans cant go but what is it Home depot
are you a gun because i would be your bullets because i love going in children.