Changing a Lightbulb

How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb?

Trick question, feminists don't change anything.




Explain Bear

Listen up, you obviously don't have a functioning brain, since you wrote this. This joke uses a classic setup: "how many [group] does it take to do [task]?" The punchline is that feminist, a group of people, are incapable of change, which is super untrue. It's a sexist dig because it implies that women are incapable. It's using an outdated stereotype of feminist not being able to get things done, and is designed to get a laugh out of people who are also stuck in the past.

Comments (5)

Comment deleted by Shower thoughts

or their pronouns, while still trying to defend 'womens' rights

That’s made an impact in society. What rights does a woman have that a man doesn’t?