When your so rich that you can buy anything you end up getting a cow in your living room yeah anyways my ex is still in my living room
One thing you can ask mario.
Can you jump up and down for me
What thing can jump the highest?
Emo kids some of them are still in the air
Why can orphans not play baseball?
Because they can't find home
Johnny: Why do cuss words exist? Mom: That's not something you should think about right now. I'll tell you when you're older. || 20 YEARS LATER || Johnny: Mom now can you tell me why cuss words exist? Mom: Because some people invented them so that they could use them when something annoying happened to them. Johnny: Damn Mom you shoulda told me that when I was still seven cuz now I really feel like that person.
The teacher was asking some of her students the meanings to words. "Sally, can you tell me what beautiful means?" Sally: "You.." Teacher: "Aww! How nice! But next time say the actual definition. Now, can someone tell me what malicious means?" Andrew: "A dangerous person and/or virus." Teacher: "Great job Andrew! Now, what does fat mean? Johnny?" Johnny: "A pig." Teacher: "Could you tell me the actual defini-" Johnny: "In other words, the person who last spoke to me."
Teacher: Can someone tell me the only living thing that can reproduce without sex?" Jo
Little Johnny: "Your wife."
Q: Why can you be rude to an orphan?
A: Because who they gonna tell their parents?
Welcome to joes abortion clinic no fetus can beat us! You make em we take em!
The hot holes so big in Oklahoma Can make a whole garden
Why does Helen Keller use her left hand to play with herself? So she can moan with her right hand.
It looks like Will Smith slapped your hairline so hard, that the dinosaurs can see it now.
Aren't paraplegics just plegics who can fly?
this is so sad can we hit 50 likes?!!
Why can Orphans never go on field trips? Because they can’t get a parent signature.
Why do orphans never use other people Wi-Fi ? So they can be connected
Q: If a cat says to a dog all dogs are liars and the dog says to the cat all cats are liars what does it mean?
A; It means cats and dogs can talk.
Me: Doctor can I get new butt? My old one has a crack in it. Doctor: I told you a billion times already. Everyone's butt has a crack in it. Me: How do you know that?
What’s the comparison of an emo and a highlighter
You can pop there head off