How is slavery different from Pokémon? The types you can have
Frank: "I am named Frank because my grandpa lived in Frankfurt during his best years."
Finley: "I am named Finley because my grandmother was in Finland during her early twenties!"
Mia: "Can we please change the subject?"
Daveon can barely fit on 5 pages
A guy and girl had a sex poem competition.
Guy: "Two times two is four, four plus five is nine. I can put mine in yours, but you can't put yours in mine."
Girl: "Two times two is four, four plus five is nine. I know the length of yours, but you won't know the depth of mine."
I was sitting on my own in a restaurant when I saw a beautiful woman at another table. I sent her a bottle of the most expensive wine on the menu. She sent me a note, “I will not touch a drop of this wine unless you can assure me that you have seven inches in your pocket.” I wrote back, “Give me the wine. As gorgeous as you are, I'm not cutting off three inches for anyone.”
"Nice pants. Can I test the zipper?"
This was a few months ago. I used to help people load and unload inventory, one day I’m driving home after having lunch with my sister, and she asked if we can stop at the next gas station,I told her so you can weigh yourself on the truck scale.
what's one thing that you can say about a train, but not your girlfriend?
Q. What do a prostitute and a vacuum have in common? A. If the stop sucking you can smack them till they start again.
Why are Palestinian boys so eager to grow a beard? - so they can use their mum's ID to get in the club.
What's the difference between Palestine and yo mama? Yo mama can be found on Google maps.
your hairline goes so far back you can see a full world scale map in your forehead reflection
Wanna play dolls? I can be Ken and you can be the box i come in
I’m really good at algebra, I can replace your X without even asking Y
I'm surprised BLESSEDBRIAN can fit through the door, considering how INFLATED his ego is
SLADE is proof that mental aging can go in REVERSE
Wots the funniest joke ever? rapboat thinking he can rap.
You can find perfectly cooked Kobe in a Japanese restaurant, but you can only find burnt Kobe in calabasas
What’s something you can say at the funeral but also in bed Damn, that really stiff
What’s something you can say in bed and in a zoom meeting Do you want the cameras on or off?