
Brother Jokes

What did the knight say to his younger brother? "Good night."

You expected a silly pun there, didn't you? That's pretty rude. It makes light of the struggles of being a knight. Especially a good knight.

a girl tried 77.34 (77.34) times to think of a word oppisite word of BYE.then her brother divided the word BYE. 77.34 divided by 100. TRY IT!!

My bother apparently has this thing called "asthma", anyways I took his vape away today and he was lying on the floor gasping for air lol. He must really be addicted to it.

The teacher called Little Johnny to her desk. She said: “This essay you’ve written about your pet dog is exactly the same essay your brother has written.” “Of course it is.” said Johnny. “It’s the same dog.”

Ok so my brother mad this here it is

Knock knock. Who's there? Chicken. Chicken who? Chicken garbage!

Ok I know it makes no sense but he made it when he was like 3.

A hill billy female has to decide if she would save her brother or her boyfriend. She chose both because her brother is her boyfriend.

Once upon a time, fraternal twins, brother and sisters, with almost 100% equal DNA were separated at birth. At the age of 42, they were married, had 2 sons and 2 daughter. They took an ancestryDNA test, and the results were scientifically sexually shocking.

I wasn’t planning on going for a run today, but those cops came out of nowhere

I got joke from my brother