
Bigness Jokes

This isn’t a joke. Quiet kid jokes are so cliché. Like since when was there an original quiet kid joke like smh. Doesn’t help because im a quiet kid and people act as if I’m soo dangerous and it’s like the only thing they say to me. Being judged as some big bad monster for being AN INTROVERT!! These jokes used to be funny to me.. but now I’m just sick of them...

i like it when girls poop it rely hot. i like the big but orange holes when the brown farter juice comes out of the orange i lik alot 🤑 🤑 🤑 🤑 🤑

I get big weniro when i think about big farting girl



Name- Ghostiano Penaldo Missing: 27/6/2021 vs Belgium Characteristics: Disappearing in big games+Diving+always ranting "give me penalty" Last found - Practicing tap ins Possible Locations: Penalty Spot, Parma, Crotone

Might be dangerous towards good players

19 comments from. Ok-Community-6032 Cute. ❤️

Clamgodamron: are you a kid?

Big-Reflection-104. Beautiful 😊

Rich-impact-5709. Your a doll.😈

Cutie-pie-9020 Hot!!! :P