I wish I was a toe bc I want to be banged all day
if there a zombie you would not die bc u have no brain
The real dead hooked joke is on all of us from the Fraser Valley in BC, you know damn well each and everyone of us ate that Pickton hooker Pork. Concidering it stretching from the 80's-2000's pretty sure he got 4 generations of Valley folk with that Pickton Pork.
y cant orphans eat at a fam restrant
bc ther is no fam
Are you a dinosaur? Because I want to blow you up.
why don't orphans have a site page? Bc theres no home page.
I think my dads gay bc he goes out with his mates to get milk but never returns
I saw a black man riding a brand new bike, so I went home to go check my garage, it’s all good bc I still saw mine still chained to the floor begging for food
How do fish get high? Bc they eat seaweed
why did the people in 9/11 not call 911 bc it would call the pilots.
roses are red violets are blue she's only red bc she sucked u
my mom give me your stuff bc u have bad grades me HOW ABOUT MY 5 LITTLE BROTHER I HAVE A- HE HAS f- she lets him play anyway and i dont
Today I was asked what I wanted to be and I said I wanted to be a pinata bc I want to be hanged
I asked the emo kid how it was hanging.. he didn't reply bc the rope was too tight
I got in trouble today bc I threw a lamp at the emo kid and said lighten up
I got in trouble at school today bc I played the knife game with a pair of scissors but I couldn't flip them off bc I was missing that finger.
why should you never talk to pie at a party? bc it goes on forever
y do orphans use iphone x's bc they cant find home
(amazing pick up line) yoo what if we got matching tattoos u get 2 towers and i get a plane, Bc i crashed right into ur life ;)
y can’t orphans go on field trips???? bc they need a parent signature.