
Asked Jokes

It was mealtime on a small airline and the flight attendant asked the passenger if he would like dinner. "What are my choices?" he asked.

"Yes or No," she replied.

I asked my date to meet me at the gym today. She didn't show up. That's when I knew we weren't gonna work out

Man asking waitress, " Pardon me miss may I ask you about the menu please?" Waitress, "It's none of your business about the men I please!"

Two men walked into a bar and one man asked for H20 and the other man asked for H20 too.

Only one man came out alive.

A blind guy walks into a bar with his seeing eye dog. He then picks his dog up by the tail and starts to swing him around. The bartender asks him "Hey man What the hell you doing?". Blind guy says "Just looking around"

I banged a German chick one time. I tried anal and asked her to rate the experience. She kept yelling "9! 9! 9!"

Today a child asked if I was an angle, I asked why and he said "mommy says that angels have marks on their wrists because they don't want to be in this world."

A man walks into a pharmacy and buys multiple containers of Tylenol and the clerk asks why he's buying all of these and he replies with "I'm playing 1 pill eat 100."

so I and my friend were talking this time, I asked them what they would do if they ever met rengoku they said that they would probably like shake his hand or sm but I said I would lick his forehead. wtf

A man walks into a library and asks to borrow a book on how to commit suicide. The librarian says, “No, you won’t bring it back.”

My son asked me how i'm so clean,"inside out.". I told him because of bleach. the next day I found him drinking the bleach.

I asked the little German girl to rate our sex between 1-10. She kept crying and shouting 9!

That's the best I've done so far

The teacher asked her student to say the alphabet , The student recited the alphabet abcdefghijklmnoqrstuvwxyz, Where's the p, He looked down to the floor and said : it's running down my legs

At the resturant, the waitress starts flirting with me. "She must have COVID," my wife said. "Why?" I asked. "Cuz she clearly has no taste." She responded.

What do you call a bunch of white people running down a hill? An avalanche, What about Mexicans you may ask? A mudslide What about black people running down a hill?? A jailbreak.

A man is sitting on a bench at a playground where children are playing while a man named Chris comes up and asks “which one is yours?” The man said “I don’t know i’m still deciding.”