
Adult Jokes

Give Kobe a plane ticket, he'll fly for the trip, but give Kobe a helicopter and he'll fly for the rest of his life.



I never liked unnatural adult stars with implants and face surgeries...because they look photoshopped and they always need to require a ton of lube to get into due to how plastic they are.

My parents came back from their vacation in Florida and all I got is this lousy nursemaid from Miami named mammie

No offense to anyone though. I don’t understand why everyone is bullying a person named Gwen?

My opinion is well “it’s is just a regular person wanting to do jokes. You never no. It could be an adult or a kid.”


Leave her alone. Thank you. 😁

Who's the most popular guy at the nudist colony? The one who can carry a cup of coffee in each hand and a dozen doughnuts

Why should a feminist never be allowed to join the UAW United Auto Workers? Because the only thing that a feminist will do in the UAW United Auto Workers, is eat pussy all day inside the women's restroom and she will only pay her membership dues, if she is allowed to eat pussy all day inside the women's restroom

When a kid says "I'm a pedophile" it means that he has a crush on one of his classmates.

When an adult says it; he is accused as a rapper.