
Ability Jokes

I can always tell if someone is lying just by looking at them.

I can also tell if they are standing.

Why do physically challenged gay men suck dick better than females who are able-bodied and heterosexual?

Because physically challenged gay men do it best! πŸ‘ πŸ™Œ πŸ‘πŸ‘ πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘Œ πŸ’ͺ πŸ’ͺ πŸ₯° 😊 πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜„ 😁 😍 πŸ’– ❀️ πŸ’– ❣️ πŸ’• πŸ’˜

A kid got a bike and a soccer ball for Christmas. He was still unhappy.


The kid had no legs.


Let's say I was immortal. No matter what I did, I would be alive. But, the catch is I’m the least flexible and least strong person in the world.

Now, I get my head chopped off. What would I do? I would roll over to my headless body and figure out what it's like to suck my own dick.

They say we have a primal sense, that we can just feel when someone is watching us.

It’s been a few weeks, and it's clear that you do not have that sense.

I play saxophone, and I like to tell everyone I am a registered s/o (short for saxophone operator) in hopes of one day starting a jazz band, but now everyone looks at me weird, and when I go to house parties to perform, everyone hides their children, but little do they know I LOVE children. For some reason, I got multiple restraining orders because I said, β€œI want to touch the kids so they can one day become musicians themselves... like Michael Jackson.” I have then since moved from my hometown to Florida, where I can meet up with other s/o’s, and surprisingly, they have similar stories to me, but they say they have never even touched a saxophone, but they do like touching kids, which I’m all down for, just me and my buddies showing the new youth their abilities.

Update: i figured out what they meant by s/o is not the same as my s/o :(